(UPDATE December 6,2023 | UP February 28,2014)

Low prices—one reason Fukuoka is so livable
- Consumer price index regional difference and retail prices -

大都市の消費者物価地域差指数 (2022年)

Low prices / Top 5 cities

Low prices / Top 5 cities

[Source] Retail Price Survey (Structural Survey) Report (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
*Consumer regional price difference index: The regional difference in price levels, which is the sum of the prices of various goods and services purchased by households,
expressed as an index value based on the national average price (= 100).
* 21 big cities: Ordinance-designated city and Tokyo ward

[Source] Retail Price Survey (Trend Survey) Report (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
*16 Major cities…Government ordinance-designated cities where prefectural offices are located and wards of Tokyo

Low prices—one reason Fukuoka is so livable
- Consumer price index regional difference and retail prices -

(UPDATE December 6,2023 | UP February 28,2014)



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