(UPDATE March 5,2024 | UP February 14,2014)

Everyone has only twenty-four hours in a day
- The shortness of time in commuting to work or school -

[Source] Global Power City Index (GPCI) YEARBOOK 2023
(Institute for Urban Strategies,The Mori Memorial Foundation)

[Source] Basic survey on social life 2021 (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
Average time that people take to complete certain actions, based on survey form A.
*Average time: Average value calculated excluding those who do not travel to work or school.
* among 3 major city areas ... Cities with populations of more than one million,Kanto,Kinki,Chukyo’s metropolitan areas

Everyone has only twenty-four hours in a day
- The shortness of time in commuting to work or school -

(UPDATE March 5,2024 | UP February 14,2014)



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