(UPDATE May 10,2023 | UP March 28,2014)

No chicken, No life...almost?
- Chicken meat expenditure/purchase quantity and number of yakitori restaurants -

Source: Family Income and Expenditure Survey
(two-or-more-person households)
researched by Kyushu Economic Research Center
※The payout amount is the average from 2020 to 2022.
※52 cities = prefectural capital cities,Kawasaki city,Sagamihara City, Hamamatsu City,Sakai City,Kitakyushu City

[Source] 『iTownpage』『National Census(2020)』,
researched by Kyushu Economic Research Center
※Number of searches for “yakitori restaurants” on
 the iTown page website (Survey period is March 2023)

No chicken,
No life...almost?
- Chicken meat expenditure/purchase quantity and number of yakitori restaurants -

(UPDATE May 10,2023 | UP March 28,2014)



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