(UP October 25,2019)

It's actually a very competitive area for sweets!?
- Number of sweets shops and price of sweets -

スイーツの店舗数 (人口10万人あたり) ケーキショップの数 7店
スイーツの店舗数 (人口10万人あたり) 福岡市の家賃を除く総合物価は98.1円で51市中2位。

[Source] National Census 2015 and iTownpage website as researched by Fukuoka City
* 21 major cities: the 20 metropolises and the 23 wards of Tokyo

スイーツの価格 ケーキ (1個) シュークリーム (100g) プリン (1個) パティシエ

[Source] Retail Price Survey (Trend Survey) Report (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
* 16 major cities: cities that are both prefectural capitals and metropolises, and 23 special wards of Tokyo

It's actually a very competitive area for sweets!?
- Number of sweets shops and price of sweets -

(UP October 25,2019)

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